february 2024 update
community support spotlight
West Olympia Rotary puts the 'fun' in fundraising -- and students will be the beneficiaries this year! Join us!
Community support is so critical to the work we do to empower every student that we have incorporated those very words into our mission statement.
One example of community support is that which comes from local service organizations, including the West Olympia Rotary, which recently selected our Principal's Emergency Fund as the beneficiary of its April 19 "Jukebox Heroes" dueling pianos fundraiser, one of the most unique fundraising events in Thurston County.
Guests arrive dressed up as a representation of one of their favorite of two musical genres -- either rock and roll or country -- and get to enjoy a catered dinner and participate in a wildly fun competition featuring dueling pianists Felix and Fingers.
If you'd like to sponsor or attend this event -- and help support the Principal's Emergency Fund -- please reach out to bettyholt@olympicsir.com or visit westolympiarotary.org.
event update
New venue, date for summer golf scramble!
After thoughtful consideration, we are excited to move the Olympia Education Foundation Scramble to Capitol City Golf Club this year. And along with the change of venue comes a new date: Friday, July 12.
We love Capitol City for many reasons, including:
It's public. Utilizing a venue that is open to everyone aligns with three of our core values: access, community and inclusion. And it allows us to maximize proceeds -- meaning event support will empower even more students!
You don't have to be a scratch golfer to play well here. Capitol City is friendly toward all levels of golfers, which means more fun for everyone!
The facility is set up to ensure tournaments are well-run, with a full cart fleet on site, ample parking, easy accessibility to the course, and a tented post-tournament venue!
We're also pleased to partner with General Manager Steve McNelly, who has supported us through this event in previous years (even when it was held elsewhere), and whose children, both golfers, are affiliated with Olympia schools (his daughter graduated from Capital in 2020 and his son is a senior there now).
Sponsorships are available now via the button below. (Or contact events@olyedfoundation.org.) Team registration will open in the coming weeks.
We look 'fore'-ward to seeing you at Capitol City on July 12!
abc's of emotional intelligence
Parents: Learn how to keep your cool and help your kids
Our free parent education series with Emily McMason of Evolving Parents continues this week with a presentation geared toward families who have students in kindergarten through fifth-grade.
Thursday, Feb. 8: The ABCs of Emotional Intelligence: How to help our kids figure out their feelings while keeping our cool. (Presentation covers content most appropriate for K-5 students.)
6 to 7:30 p.m.
McKenny Elementary gym
Free on-site child care provided (for kids who can use the toilet on their own)
All Olympia School District families are welcome to attend, even if they don't have a student enrolled at McKenny.
If you are not able to attend in person, you can still get all of the information via this Zoom link if you tune in live Feb. 8.
If you prefer in person but can't attend this week, the same presentation will be given at L.P. Brown Elementary next month (see details below).
We also plan to offer two more presentations before the end of the school year; one for K-5 families and one for families with middle and/or high school students. If you'd like to share feedback about a topic that would be helpful for your family, please use the form at the bottom of this page on our website.
special shout out
Thank you to Lacey Grocery Outlet for being the latest locally owned grocery store to accept our Principal's Emergency Fund grocery vouchers from students and families who have urgent basic needs. They join Capitol Market, Olympia Grocery Outlet, and Ralph's and Bayview Thriftway as businesses that help ensure that students have fresh food in their homes. We are grateful to all of you! This is another example of community support that makes it possible to empower students!